Friday, December 13, 2024

Cultivating Gratitude- Part 7

 We now come to our last verse on Gratitude in the Book of Colossians. Colossians 4:2 states "Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving."  A Thankful heart enriches and stimulates our prayer life.

Paul starts winding down this letter with some final admonitions. He states here the necessity of prayer. Possibly one of the hardest disciplines in the Christian life is cultivating a consistent, meaningful prayer life. Satan will seek to provide plenty of disruptions. 

Paul states continue in prayer. The idea behind this admonition is to be devoted to prayer, refuse to neglect it, persevere with earnestness in prayer for a strong prayer life is vital to spiritual maturity. 

Paul then adds and watch in the same. To watch originally meant to refrain from sleep, but then came to also include being attentive, mental alertness, and spiritual vigilance. So, what does being watchful in prayer mean? I believe that there are several ideas. 

1) We are to guard against formality, unbelief, and carelessness/frivolity in prayer.

2) We are to guard against spiritual laziness, drowsiness, and from a worldly focus.

3) We are to be aware of the needs around us: needs of our family, our church, our own needs, and the like.

4) We are to be alert to the spiritual dangers around us that threaten ourselves, our homes, our churches. 

5) Dr. Constable adds "to give it constant attention and priority." 

Now, notice once again how Paul ends this important verse- with thanksgiving. Again, we should ask "why add the idea of gratitude?" Listen, a grateful heart keeps us in a right attitude for prayer and fellowship with our heavenly Father. A grateful heart keeps us focused on our dependence on God. We are to be grateful for all that God has done for us in our salvation and how He takes care of us! Remembering God's mercies should motivate us to spend quality time with God in prayer. 

So, as we have observed in the Book of Colossians the apostle Paul highlights for us the vital importance of gratitude- giving thanks to God! This virtue truly is essential for our spiritual maturity. In fact, it is a sign of spiritual maturity that can reveal to all around us how much we love and appreciate our God! Let us cultivate hearts of thanksgiving for it pleases the Lord, glorifies Him, and points people to His goodness. How are you doing in this area of giving thanks? 

Psalm 106:1 Praise ye the LORD, O give thanks unto the LORD; for He is good: for His mercy endureth forever."  

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